The Council


Little Leigh Parish Council is the level of elected government closest to the community. The Parish Council provides a focus for local activity, encouraging local people to make their views known, particularly on issues about maintaining and improving the character of the village. Little Leigh Parish Council expresses local views to other public bodies, such as Cheshire West and Chester Council, particularly on planning applications, highways matters and other environmental or quality of life concerns.

Little Leigh has seven Parish Councillors. On this website you will find details of the current councillors. The work of the councillors is voluntary, and the members give their time freely to help enhance the village for the benefit of all residents. The Localism Act 2011 requires parish councillors to publicly declare if they have certain financial (“pecuniary”) and any other (“non-pecuniary”) interests. These declarations are logged in a “Register of Interests” which is stored by Cheshire West and Chester Council. The declarations are public documents and all members of the Council are required to complete the forms.

The Parish Clerk acts as the Responsible Financial Officer and administrator and advises the Parish Council on lawful decision making and implementation.

Little Leigh Parish Council usually meets on the second Thursday of odd numbered months at 7:15pm in the village hall. Members of the public can attend any meeting of the Council and there is an agenda item for public participation at the beginning of each Council meeting. We welcome feedback from the parish and details of how to contact the Clerk and the Councillors are on the website.

To view the Parish Council Meeting Dates Agendas and Minutes please click here.

To report issues with roads etc please use the attached form
Report Faults to CWAC Form